Your pet has a personality! A true story.


(my drawing of a dog.)

Just like us, pets have personalities! They may not speak about them like we can, but they have preferences and peeves like we do! For example, I’ll tell you about my old dog, who I’ll call Nallie.

When I first got Nallie, she was scared and curled up in a little ball. I had just gotten picked up by my dad at school, so I was in the car when he surprised me with a puppy in the front seat. She looked scared, and my dad told me she when she was at the adoption center, her sister was playfighting and biting Nallie’s ear while Nallie just sat quietly. I didn’t think much on it then, but now i wonder if at first Nallie was timid and scared.

I pet her all the way home, and we grew a bonding, I could tell since she would whine when I left the room she was in, which made me think she already loved me like a sister.

Her first real pet peeve (ha, a pet having a pet right?) was when she would go out in the snow, and admediatly want to run back inside. She hated snow, and ounce she left me outside in the snow, her leash dragging behind her as she left me in her dust to walk in the still-snowing heel-high snow.

Then she had a certain food she liked best, it was this creamy meat like thing, like ice-cream for dogs type thing that she liked alot. Sometimes you can tell when a pet has a certain food they like best.

And most of all, she never ran out of energy. Out of all the time I had her, I never seen her nap ounce. She was always ready to run, now matter to another dog or from snow. She became energetic, and very social to people and dogs! Which proves dogs change too. She had changed from her small timid self.

The most amazing, beautiful part to me was that she loved my family and I well, like family! I have come to learn a few things about that topic, and here are a few facts about dogs that I find interesting to know.

if you try to make the whining noise that they do when there sad, they’ll legit think your sad.

I have done that noise around Nallie a few times to see how she would react, and she would come and lay right next to me, or come to be around me, as if it were her way of comforting. Though I wouldn't do that alot since I wouldn’t want my dog to think I’m sad, I still think this is quite interesting.

doggy see, doggy do.

If you tilt you head to one side infront of a dog, chances are they’ll do it too! Nallie has done it to me and my father, but their attention has too be completely on you otherwise, they wont do it.

Also, if you are a kid, or you have kids that your dog has grown up with, they might think there a kid too! When me and my brother took our gummy vitamins as young kids one day, Nallie wanted one too. She looked up expectantly at our mother, as if she was supposed to give her a vitamin as she had to my brother and me. Luckily, she got her vitamin! Mom had given her a dog treat right then so she could eat it with us. We may not have been puppies like her, but we were her family and we treated her as one.

(my older drawing of a dog.)